Celeris Aerospace Canada Inc. Located at 880 Taylor Creek Dr., ORLEANS,Ontario, K4A 0Z9, , Orleans, Ontario. .

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Celeris Aerospace Canada Inc.

About Celeris Aerospace Canada Inc.

Celeris Aerospace Canada Inc. was established in year 1992

Celeris Aerospace Canada Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 880 Taylor Creek Dr., ORLEANS,Ontario, K4A 0Z9, Canada

Company Name Celeris Aerospace Canada Inc.
Establishment Number 234567012344
Website Visit Celeris Aerospace Canada Inc. Website
Phone 613-837-1161
Established Year 1992
Province Ontario
Address 880 Taylor Creek Dr.
K4A 0Z9
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Stephen Hall (President)
Phone Number 613-837-1161
Fax Number 613-317-7598
Country of Ownership Canada
Celeris Aerospace Canada Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Aerospace Engineering and Analysis* Aircraft Operational Loads (Structural Health) Monitoring * Aircraft Accident Investigation * Fatigue Damage/Tolerance Analysis * Composite Structures * Life-Cycle Management * Certification * Technical Data Management
Structural Health Monitoring SoftwareSquadron Level Software ************************ Health Monitoring Software for tracking fatigue/fuel consumption for the F-18 Aircraft.
Cockpit Voice Recorder Explosive Analysis (CVREA)The CVREA Software determines the nature and location of an in flight break-up of an aircraft. Specifically, from the last 200ms of data recorded by the CVR it is designed to determine: * The cause of the event (explosion/decompression) * The area of the event (passenger or cargo space) * The longitudinal location of the event (± two or three seat rows) The development of this software has been supported by Transport Canada and the US Federal Aviation Administration.
Technical Data Acquisition, Validation, Analysis and DistributionCeleris specializes in assisting organizations to acquire, validate, analyze and distribute large quantities of geographically dispersed data over Internet/Intranet. This has primarily been applied to structural health monitoring data obtained from aircraft but can also be applied to: * Oil/gas pipelines/wells * Oil rigs * High Speed Trains * Shipping * Space Vehicles * Medical Devices * Waste Recycling Industry The scope of this work is encapsulated in a project termed the Total Data Intregrity Initiative (TDII). Details on TDII can be obtained from the Papers/Reports section of the Celeris Website at http://www.celeris.ca
Celeris Aerospace Canada Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541330Engineering Services
541510Computer Systems Design and Related Services

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