SPM Flow Control Ltd. Located at 8060A Edgar Industrial Cres., RED DEER,Alberta, T4P 3R3, , Red Deer, Alberta. .

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SPM Flow Control Ltd.

About Spm Flow Control Ltd.

Spm Flow Control Ltd. was established in year 1958

Spm Flow Control Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 8060A Edgar Industrial Cres., RED DEER,Alberta, T4P 3R3, Canada

Company Name SPM Flow Control Ltd.
Operating Name Weir SPM - Red Deer
Establishment Number 234567012218
Website Visit SPM Flow Control Ltd. Website
Phone 403-341-3410
Established Year 1958
Province Alberta
Address 8060A Edgar Industrial Cres.
RED DEER,Alberta
T4P 3R3
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Craig Ralston (General Manager)
Phone Number 403-341-3410
Fax Number 403-341-3072
Country of Ownership Foreign
SPM Flow Control Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Well ServicePumps-Well Service Pumps from 250 to 2500 HP -Flow Control products from 6,000 to 15,000 psi -includes; pipe, valves, ells, tees, swivel Joints, relief valves -flowline safety restraint systems for energized fluids
SPM Flow Control Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
331210Iron and Steel Pipes and Tubes Manufacturing from Purchased Steel
332910Metal Valve Manufacturing
333910Pump and Compressor Manufacturing

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