Nakoda Lakeside Lodge Ltd Located at 1A Highway, Between Morley and Seebe, MORLEY,Alberta, T0L 1N0, , Morley, Alberta. .

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Nakoda Lakeside Lodge Ltd

About Nakoda Lakeside Lodge Ltd

Nakoda Lakeside Lodge Ltd registered place of business address in record is: 1A Highway, Between Morley and Seebe, MORLEY,Alberta, T0L 1N0, Canada

Company Name Nakoda Lakeside Lodge Ltd
Establishment Number 234567012204
Website Visit Nakoda Lakeside Lodge Ltd Website
Phone 403-881-3949
Established Year -
Province Alberta
Address 1A Highway
Between Morley and Seebe
T0L 1N0
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Cleavon Abraham (Admin/Exec Assistant)
Phone Number 403-881-3949
Fax Number 403-881-3901
Country of Ownership Canada
Nakoda Lakeside Lodge Ltd Company Services
ServiceService Description
LodgingNestled in a tranquil, secluded, wooded area with a magnificent view of Chief Hector Lake and the Rocky Mountains, Nakoda Lodge is an ideal spot to enjoy both business and leisure activities. This setting, combined with first class accommodations and the finest foods, attracts business people, families, and visitors to Nakoda Lodge daily.
Nakoda Lakeside Lodge Ltd Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
721310Rooming and Boarding Houses

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