Key West Reporting Services Located at 8017A Chemainus Rd, CHEMAINUS,British Columbia, V0R 1K5, , Chemainus, British Columbia. .

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Key West Reporting Services

About Key West Reporting Services

Key West Reporting Services was established in year 1993

Key West Reporting Services registered place of business address in record is: 8017A Chemainus Rd, CHEMAINUS,British Columbia, V0R 1K5, Canada

Company Name Key West Reporting Services
Establishment Number 234567011945
Website -
Phone 250-246-1490
Established Year 1993
Province British Columbia
Address 8017A Chemainus Rd
CHEMAINUS,British Columbia
V0R 1K5
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Vickie Miller (Owner)
Phone Number 250-246-1490
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Key West Reporting Services Company Services
ServiceService Description
court reporting & transcribingProvide verbatim court reporting services, examination for discoveries, digital recording (video & audio), verbatim transcription services, transcribe video recordings, professional minute/note taking and preparation of conference proceeding reports.
professional minute/note takingProvide professional minutes and preparation of conference proceeding reports.
Key West Reporting Services Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
561410Document Preparation Services
561490Other Business Support Services

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