GS Hitech Controls Inc. Located at 6173 6 St SE, CALGARY,Alberta, T2H 1L9, , Calgary, Alberta. .

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GS Hitech Controls Inc.

About Gs Hitech Controls Inc.

Gs Hitech Controls Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 6173 6 St SE, CALGARY,Alberta, T2H 1L9, Canada

Company Name GS Hitech Controls Inc.
Establishment Number 234567011704
Website Visit GS Hitech Controls Inc. Website
Phone 403-255-7884
Established Year -
Province Alberta
Address 6173 6 St SE
T2H 1L9
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person Garnet Smith (General Manager)
Phone Number 403-255-7884
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
GS Hitech Controls Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Manufacturers RepresentativeRepresentatives: KROHNE INC. (Coriolis, Ultrasonic, Vortex, and Variable Area Flowmeters, Guided Wave, Radar, and Mechanical Level Measurement, Temperature and Analytical Instrumentation); TELEDYNE ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS (Trace/Percent Oxygen, Ultraviolet, Infrared, Thermal Conductivity, Total Hydrocarbon Analyzers); METSO AUTOMATION-NELES (Metal Seated Ball and Butterfly Valves and Actuators, Positioners, ESD Systems, Partial Stroke Testing Devices); METSO AUTOMATION-JAMESBURY (Soft Seated Ball and Butterfly Valves and Actuators, CSA 6.5 Certified Burner Safety Shutoff Valves); BARBEN ANALYTICAL (Conductivity, pH, ORP, Dissolved Oxygen, Oxygen, Turbidity, and Suspended Solids Analyzers); OSECO (Rupture Discs, Holders and Rupture Panels); PROTECTOSEAL (Tank Vents, Flame Arresters, Blanketing Valves); FIREYE (Flame Safeguard Controls and Burner Management Systems); DELTA CONTROLS (acid gas thermocouple assemblies); PRIBUSIN (Signal Conditioners, Telemetry Systems).
GS Hitech Controls Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
417930Professional Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors

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