IT/Net-Ottawa Inc. Located at 1800-150 Elgin St, Ottawa,Ontario, K2P 2P8, , Ottawa, Ontario. .

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IT/Net-Ottawa Inc.

About It/net-ottawa Inc.

It/net-ottawa Inc. was established in year 1991

It/net-ottawa Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 1800-150 Elgin St, Ottawa,Ontario, K2P 2P8, Canada

IT/NET-OTTAWA INC. Company Profile
Company Name IT/Net-Ottawa Inc.
Operating Name ITnet
Establishment Number 234567011484
Website Visit IT/Net-Ottawa Inc. Website
Phone 613-234-8638
Established Year 1991
Province Ontario
Address 1800-150 Elgin St
K2P 2P8
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Christine Collyer (Vice President)
Phone Number 613-691-2601
Fax Number 613-234-3323
Country of Ownership Canada
IT/Net-Ottawa Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
IT Consulting ServicesIT/Net's Information Technology Infrastructure (ITI) capability spans the full range of LAN/WAN, Internet and Intranet technologies. We have expertise in all current network technologies, provided by engineers with Microsoft and/or Novell certification and years of hands-on experience. The convergence of computer based technologies with traditional telecommunications has created a dynamic situation. Selecting appropriate equipment and standards has a strong positive impact on an organization's future. Today's investments in strategic technology infrastructure revolve around integrated architectures that provide users with the ability to connect to each other, with partners and with their clients, in a secure, reliable and predictable manner. Frequently this involves the integration of several complementary technologies such as Directory Services, Public Key Infrastructures, Store Area Networks (SAN) and secure messaging, for use over both private and public networks. As a result, managing communication networks - from network architecture planning, through to installation and subsequent support - is becoming increasingly complex. Enterprise wide networking is recognized as a key business strategy, one that needs to be exploited to enable the collaborative nature of work that is becoming the norm. Projects completed include the following: -Developed a Disaster Recovery Plan for the primary Data Centre of a large Government department (over 7500 users) leveraging their investment in SAN technology. -Developed a Disaster Recovery Plan for CIDA to restore critical functionality to designated users. -Developed a business case for the upgrade to Windows XP for over 10,000 workstations at Correctional Services Canada. -Completed the Windows 2000 roll-out to over 3,000 desktops at the House of Commons. -Completed a SAN-based disk storage and backup strategy for a number of clients: CIDA, DND, HC. -Designated Security Architectures that will permit a highly secure and well managed connection to the Internet for Agriculture Canada and CIDA. -Completed a Network Architecture for CIDA that will be the basis for their "Knowledge Architecture", a web based solution that will allow them to assimilate disparate sources of information into a Knowledge Management System. -Completed a Directory Strategy that will set the stage for Transport Canada to converge multiple directories into a Meta directory, increasing efficiencies and positioning them well for GOL. -Built a data centre and consolidated data centre operations for the Alderwoods Group. -Developed a technology plan for the BC Centre for Disease Control.
IT/Net-Ottawa Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541510Computer Systems Design and Related Services
541611Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services

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