Phoenix Technologies Inc. Located at 201-237 Keefer St, Vancouver,British Columbia, V6A 1X6, , Vancouver, British Columbia. .

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Phoenix Technologies Inc.

About Phoenix Technologies Inc.

Phoenix Technologies Inc. was established in year 1996

Phoenix Technologies Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 201-237 Keefer St, Vancouver,British Columbia, V6A 1X6, Canada

Company Name Phoenix Technologies Inc.
Establishment Number 234567011324
Website Visit Phoenix Technologies Inc. Website
Phone 604-321-3238
Established Year 1996
Province British Columbia
Address 201-237 Keefer St
Vancouver,British Columbia
V6A 1X6
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Chris Ma (President)
Phone Number 604-321-3238
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Phoenix Technologies Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Visualeyez Motion Capture SystemA 3D real-time Motion Capture System for biomechanics, rehabilitation, robotics, motion analysis and dynamic motion control with high accuracy and <0.3ms of uniform data latency. Can sync. with analog signals. SDK available for special applications. A Motion Capture System for simultaneous fine and large complex motions capture, such as facial capture, fingers capture, together with full-body capture at the same time, with no marker identification error. For game development, special effects production, choreography planning, and various virtual reality applications.
Visualeyez VZ10K, VZ10K5, VZ4000, VZ4000v, VZ4050The VZ10K/10K5 3D motion capture trackers now provide users with the following combination of features simultaneously: >90° Operation Angle -- Huge Capture Area ( 7m x 9 m) and space < 0.5mm Accuracy (H-series) < 0.3ms uniform data output latency. Automatic and Continuous Multi-tracker System Calibration capability (with VZAutoCal) Instant and Continuous Calibration capability (with VZInstaCal, for flexible and/or moving environments without rigid structures for tracker/camera mounting). VZ10K/10K5 can also activate vibrator-equipped markers, individually, to provide distributed tactile stimuli or cues to the subject(s) in real-time, thus enabling advanced applications and R&D possibilities especially in the 'virtual' and neuroscience fields.
Phoenix Technologies Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
334512Measuring, Medical and Controlling Devices Manufacturing

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