Precision Contractors Ltd. Located at 5912, 50 Ave, LLOYDMINSTER,Alberta, T9V 2T9, , Lloydminster, Alberta. .

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Precision Contractors Ltd.

About Precision Contractors Ltd.

Precision Contractors Ltd. was established in year 1983

Precision Contractors Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 5912, 50 Ave, LLOYDMINSTER,Alberta, T9V 2T9, Canada

Company Name Precision Contractors Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567011084
Website Visit Precision Contractors Ltd. Website
Phone 780-875-1962
Established Year 1983
Province Alberta
Address 5912, 50 Ave
T9V 2T9
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Leora McIntosh (Administrator)
Phone Number 780-875-1962
Fax Number 780-875-0904
Country of Ownership Canada
Precision Contractors Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
General Earthworksub-division construction, industrial lot development
Municipal DevelopmentRoad construction and re-building, rail grade and siding construction.
Oilfield ConstructionMulti-well pads and single lease sites, gas plant and oil battery sites, lease and plant access road networks, abandonments, reclamations.
Precision Contractors Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
237120Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction

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