Control Skateboards Inc Located at 857, rue Alphonse-Desrochers, Centre industriel, LÉVIS,Quebec, G7A 5K6, , LÉvis, Quebec. .

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Control Skateboards Inc

About Control Skateboards Inc

Control Skateboards Inc was established in year 1994

Control Skateboards Inc registered place of business address in record is: 857, rue Alphonse-Desrochers, Centre industriel, LÉVIS,Quebec, G7A 5K6, Canada

Company Name Control Skateboards Inc
Establishment Number 234567011066
Website Visit Control Skateboards Inc Website
Phone 418-836-9090
Established Year 1994
Province Quebec
Address 857, rue Alphonse-Desrochers
Centre industriel
G7A 5K6
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Joseph Frédéric Savard (Propriétaire)
Phone Number 418-834-2025
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Control Skateboards Inc Company Services
ServiceService Description
skateboards ditributionRetail and wholesale skateboard distribution. Skateboard deck, skateboard trucks, skateboard wheels, skateboard bearing, skateboard grip-tape.
Skateboard shopskateboard shop: skateboard, truck, wheels, bearing, grip-tape, video.
Control Skateboards Inc Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
339920Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing

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