Modular Software Ltd. Located at 5B-245 Matheson Blvd E, MISSISSAUGA,Ontario, L4Z 3C9, , Mississauga, Ontario. .

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Modular Software Ltd.

About Modular Software Ltd.

Modular Software Ltd. was established in year 1977

Modular Software Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 5B-245 Matheson Blvd E, MISSISSAUGA,Ontario, L4Z 3C9, Canada

Company Name Modular Software Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567010903
Website Visit Modular Software Ltd. Website
Phone 905-890-3778
Established Year 1977
Province Ontario
Address 5B-245 Matheson Blvd E
L4Z 3C9
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Tony D Marcantonio (Sales Manager)
Phone Number 905-890-3778
Fax Number 905-890-3845
Country of Ownership
Modular Software Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
MatrixMatrix is an integrated software package for Wholesale Distributors, Importers and Light Manufacturers. It has both a Graphical (Windows) or Traditional Operation. Our customers share the results of Modular's extensive R&D by receiving the latest Matrix software versions included with their installation support. The Matrix integrated product line includes: * Customer Service - Inside Sales (orders, quotations, price and delivery inquiries) * CustomerLink Remote Customer Service (Internet and Direct Dial) * Inventory Management & Replenishment * Purchasing and Foreign Currencies * Serial, Lot and Tag Control * Invoicing and Accounts Receivable * Accounts Payable * General Ledger & Financial Statement Generator * Management Scoreboards - Company/Branch (performance monitoring system) * Sales Analysis and Reporting * Sales Forecasting * EasyFax * Contact Management * Bill of Materials/Assembly Work Orders * Service Work Orders * Job Costing * Payroll * EDI Module * Batch Order Module (bar code scanners, PCs) * Print Spool Management (paperless operation)
Modular Software Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541510Computer Systems Design and Related Services

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