Hanover Door Systems (1996) Inc. Located at 105 Commerce Dr., STEINBACH,Manitoba, R5G 1W6, , Steinbach, Manitoba. .

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Hanover Door Systems (1996) Inc.

About Hanover Door Systems (1996) Inc.

Hanover Door Systems (1996) Inc. was established in year 1996

Hanover Door Systems (1996) Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 105 Commerce Dr., STEINBACH,Manitoba, R5G 1W6, Canada

HANOVER DOOR SYSTEMS (1996) INC. Company Profile
Company Name Hanover Door Systems (1996) Inc.
Establishment Number 234567010781
Website Visit Hanover Door Systems (1996) Inc. Website
Phone 204-326-3667
Established Year 1996
Province Manitoba
Address 105 Commerce Dr.
R5G 1W6
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Abe Enns (General Manager)
Phone Number 204-326-3667
Fax Number 204-326-5302
Country of Ownership Canada
Hanover Door Systems (1996) Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
sectional overhead doors1. Weight counterbalanced sectional overhead doors using Hanover Door weight system/hardware and Richards-Wilcox track. 2.Torsion spring operated sectional overhead doors using Richards-Wilcox and Amarr sections and hardware. 3. Service and parts for all and other makes. Territory includes Manitoba, Sk., NWT, N.W. Ont. 4. Sales to almost anywhere.
weight counterbalance systems for sectional overhead doorsHardware and weight counterbalance lift mechanism for sectional overhead door panels. Include standard overhead door sizes, doors up to 40' wide. Can be wider with sliding mullions. For very high doors, doors higher than 24' where springs are ineffective and for high cycle doors where frequent service is unacceptable.
multi-use steel insulated shedsEconomical sheds made of insulated steel polyurethane panels. (recycled new door panels) Available in 6 piece knock down packages.(more pieces for larger sizes) Sizes from 6'x6' up to 15'x28' or longer. Included as standard are double swinging doors opening up to 4'. Options include windows, overhead doors, 5' wide double swinging doors, floors built on site and building set-up. (depending on location) Knocked down shipping available. See under Buildings at www.hanoverdoors.com
Polycarbonate DoorsWe Supply, Install and Service as Authorised dealers, Richards-Wilcox , Air Lift and Sunshine Polycarbonate doors and products.
service and repair - all productsService and repair for most types of doors in all of Canada and it's Territories. Carry large inventory of parts, panels and lift systems. Service and repair for all makes of electric overhead door operators, dock levelers, dock seals, bumpers, man-doors, rolling steel doors, highspeed doors, polycarbonate doors, weight balanced sectional doors and torsion spring sectional doors.
Hanover Door Systems (1996) Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
238990All Other Specialty Trade Contractors
332321Metal Window and Door Manufacturing

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