Armand Duhamel et Fils Inc. Located at 778, rang de l'Église N, SAINT-IGNACE-DE-STANBRIDGE,Quebec, J0J 1Y0, , Saint-ignace-de-stanbridge, Quebec. .

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Armand Duhamel et Fils Inc.

About Armand Duhamel Et Fils Inc.

Armand Duhamel Et Fils Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 778, rang de l'Église N, SAINT-IGNACE-DE-STANBRIDGE,Quebec, J0J 1Y0, Canada

Company Name Armand Duhamel et Fils Inc.
Operating Name Scierie Duhamel Sawmill
Establishment Number 234567010711
Website Visit Armand Duhamel et Fils Inc. Website
Phone 450-296-8282
Established Year -
Province Quebec
Address 778, rang de l'Église N
J0J 1Y0
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Michel Gagné (Representative)
Phone Number 450-296-8282
Fax Number 450-296-4402
Country of Ownership
Armand Duhamel et Fils Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
HemlockSquares 4x4'' x 12x12'' full length up to 20', structural joist & plank, structural light framing 1'' - 2'' thick x all width x all full length up to 20'. Ship lap also avelable. Construction mats.
Raw material supplyWe require from our suppliers to provide good quality logs. We buy eastern hemlock and tamarack logs all year round, whereas red pine and white pin are purchased only between the months of October and March. Over 90 % of the raw maretial originates from the United States. Our log specifications are detailed on our web site at
Armand Duhamel et Fils Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
321111Sawmills (except Shingle and Shake Mills)

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