Western Oilfield Specialties Corp. Located at 7108 56 Ave NW, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6B 1E4, , Edmonton, Alberta. .

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Western Oilfield Specialties Corp.

About Western Oilfield Specialties Corp.

Western Oilfield Specialties Corp. was established in year 1996

Western Oilfield Specialties Corp. registered place of business address in record is: 7108 56 Ave NW, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6B 1E4, Canada

Company Name Western Oilfield Specialties Corp.
Establishment Number 234567010581
Website -
Phone 780-437-7733
Established Year 1996
Province Alberta
Address 7108 56 Ave NW
T6B 1E4
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person Geoff Ewanchew (President)
Phone Number 780-437-7733
Fax Number 780-437-7792
Country of Ownership Canada
Western Oilfield Specialties Corp. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Environmental Control & Leak ContainmentPCC Pollution Control Corp. manufactures products to contain oil spills and leaks at the stuffing box. Their loadline containment products prevent spills at load lines, tanks and pipeline loading stations. PCC Pollution Control Corp products are distributed in Canada by Western Oilfield Specialties Corp.
Sucker Rod Pumps and CouplingsWeatherford Artificial Lift Systems is an API manufacturer of premium sucker rod pumps and sucker rod couplings marketed under the "Fluid Packed Pump" brand name. Western Oilfield Specialties Corp is an authorized distributor for Canada.
On-Off AttachmentsThe Browning On-Off Attachment (On-Off Tool) is used to couple and uncouple sucker rod strings downhole to facilitate servicing of the well when a subsurface pump is stuck or when an oversize pump is used and conventional retrieval is not possible. Western Oilfield Specialties Corp is the Canadian distributor for Browning On-Off tools.
Pumping Unit Shock AbsorberDCI Shock Absorbers are used on the pumping unit to cushion the forces on rod strings, gearboxes and prime movers to increase efficiency and reduce wear and tear on the entire pumping system. Western Oilfield Specialties Corp is the Canadian distributor for DCI Pumping Unit Shock Absorbers.
Abrasives/Solids ControlOdessa Separator Inc manufactures downhole screens to prevent the entry of abrasives and solids to subsurface pumps of all kinds. Odessa Separator screens are distributed in Canada by Western Oilfield Specialties Corp.
Western Oilfield Specialties Corp. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
211113Conventional Oil and Gas Extraction
417220Mining and Oil and Gas Well Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors

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