TLD Computers Located at 100-12251 Horseshoe Way, RICHMOND,British Columbia, V7A 4V4, , Richmond, British Columbia. .

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TLD Computers

About Tld Computers

Tld Computers was established in year 1983

Tld Computers registered place of business address in record is: 100-12251 Horseshoe Way, RICHMOND,British Columbia, V7A 4V4, Canada

TLD COMPUTERS Company Profile
Company Name TLD Computers
Establishment Number 234567010383
Website Visit TLD Computers Website
Phone 604-272-6000
Established Year 1983
Province British Columbia
Address 100-12251 Horseshoe Way
RICHMOND,British Columbia
V7A 4V4
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Dave Bull (General Manager)
Phone Number 604-272-6013
Fax Number 604-272-6026
Country of Ownership
TLD Computers Company Services
ServiceService Description
Computer TechnologyTLD Information Technology Specialists is an organization that helps corporate clients achieve there business objectives with information technology. With our specialized business units, we provide an end to end solution that allows our clients to deal with one company for all of there technology needs.
TLD Computers Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541510Computer Systems Design and Related Services

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