Geslab enr. Located at 150, rang 3 Est, SAINT-SIMÉON-DE-BONAVENTURE,Quebec, G0C 3A0, , Saint-simÉon-de-bonaventure, Quebec. .

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Geslab enr.

About Geslab Enr.

Geslab Enr. registered place of business address in record is: 150, rang 3 Est, SAINT-SIMÉON-DE-BONAVENTURE,Quebec, G0C 3A0, Canada

GESLAB ENR. Company Profile
Company Name Geslab enr.
Establishment Number 234567009880
Website Visit Geslab enr. Website
Phone 418-534-1000
Established Year -
Province Quebec
Address 150, rang 3 Est
G0C 3A0
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Claude Deslauriers (Owner)
Phone Number 418-534-1000
Fax Number 418-534-3588
Country of Ownership Canada
Geslab enr. Company Services
ServiceService Description
clocksTidal clocks
Tour de maréesPublic luminous device depicting tide level at a given location
Geslab enr. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
334512Measuring, Medical and Controlling Devices Manufacturing

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