ACC Label Inc. Located at 811-2015 Drummond St, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H3G 1W7, , Montreal, QC, Quebec. .

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ACC Label Inc.

About Acc Label Inc.

Acc Label Inc. was established in year 1990

Acc Label Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 811-2015 Drummond St, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H3G 1W7, Canada

ACC LABEL INC. Company Profile
Company Name ACC Label Inc.
Operating Name ACC Label
Establishment Number 234567009684
Website Visit ACC Label Inc. Website
Phone 514-357-8378
Established Year 1990
Province Quebec
Address 811-2015 Drummond St
H3G 1W7
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Carole Fournier (President)
Phone Number 514-357-8378
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
ACC Label Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
MesurACC - food labelling typographical rulerMesurACC is a tool designed by ACC label to verify the regulatory compliance of food labels. It consists of a see-through sheetwith different features that allow, among other things to verify: - type sizes on labels - the thickness of lines in the Nutrition Facts table - indenting as well as the spacing of elements in the Nutrition Facts table More inforamtion regarding the MesurACC are available on ACC Label's webiste:
Analysis of food label regulatory complianceFood label analyses by ACC Label include: a) verification of the regulatory compliance of mandatory label elements: Are they all present and declared in the manner prescribed by regulation? b) verification of the regulatory compliance of other label elements present on the label; c) suggestions of label modifications likely to improve the consumer's perception of the product.
Nutritional analysisACC Label performs nutritional analyses of food products in order to determine their nutrient composition (protein, fat, carbohydrates, etc.) This type of analysis is required to: a) produce Nutrition Facts tables for labelling puposes; b) identify as many nutrients as possible which may be used to promote the product; or c) reformulate the product to improve its nutritional value
Production of Nutrition Facts Tables in print-ready formatBased on the results of nutritional analyses, ACC Label produces legally-compliant Nutrition Facts tables in print-ready format (EPS file).
Expert advisory service in Canadian food labelling regulations for regulatory compliance.ACC Label helps its clients comply with Canadian food labelling régulations. This includes manadatory label elements such as the product name, the net quantity statement, the ingredient list, the allergen statements, the nutrition facts table, etc. The service also covers all voluntary label elements, including the formulation of value-added claims so they are : a) likely to be recognized by the consumer as an advantage specific to the product; b) legally compliant.
Text editing and translationACC Label edits label texts to enhance their linguistic quality while taking into account food labelling regulatory requirements. When applicable, we propose modifications likely to improve the product and corporate images conveyed to the consumer or wholesale purchaser. We also offer a two-way translation service, i.e. from English to French and from French to English. ACC Label distinguishes itself from other translators who are unfamiliar with the regulatory requirements of food labelling and who may: • unknowingly translate an originally non-compliant text; • inadvertently render non-compliant, a text which was initially compliant.
ACC Label Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541990All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
541690Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services
541930Translation and Interpretation Services
561410Document Preparation Services

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