Integran Technologies Inc. Located at 6300 Northam Dr., MISSISSAUGA,Ontario, L4V 1H7, , Mississauga, Ontario. .

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Integran Technologies Inc.

About Integran Technologies Inc.

Integran Technologies Inc. was established in year 1999

Integran Technologies Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 6300 Northam Dr., MISSISSAUGA,Ontario, L4V 1H7, Canada

Company Name Integran Technologies Inc.
Establishment Number 234567009636
Website Visit Integran Technologies Inc. Website
Phone 416-675-6266
Established Year 1999
Province Ontario
Address 6300 Northam Dr.
L4V 1H7
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Gino Palumbo (President - CEO)
Phone Number 416-675-6266
Fax Number 905-672-4984
Country of Ownership Canada
Integran Technologies Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Nanocrystalline metals/alloysIntegran develops and manufactures nanocrystalline metal/alloy coatings or electroforms with extreme mechanical and/or magnetic properties that can be tailored to clients' specifications for manufacturing.
Nanovate NVNanovate NV is a hybrid of nanostructured low thermal expansion invar (nickel-iron alloy) on a carbon reinforced composite material. This technology is used for the production of low cost, high durability molds for the manufacture of composite aerospace parts.
Nanovate NSNanovate NS is a hybrid material that combines a layer of nanostructure metal (with high strength and hardness) and a substrate of carbon reinforced fiber composite. The resulting material combines a high resistance to fracture and erosion. Low to medium volume production is conducted in Integran's facilities.
Nanovate EPIntegran possesses the core technology to produce hybrids of engineered polymers and ultrahigh strength metal, thus extending the applicability of low cost injection molding to the production of high performance components in aerospace, defence, automotive, biomedical and consumer products. Low to medium volume production is conducted in Integran's facilities while higher volume production (e.g., for consumer electronics) is enabled the technology licensing.
NANOVATE EMNanovate EM is a specialized coating with high magnetic permeability that can be used for low to high frequency shielding of low to high field electromagnetic interference. Integran currently supplies custom shielding enclosures for the components of guidance systems such as those used on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV''s).
Grain Boundary Engineered SuperalloysThermomechanical process for Nickel-based superalloys which imparts enhanced resistance to high temperature creep and fatigue performance, thus enabling higher temperature operation of gas turbine engines for enhanced thrust and improved fuel efficiency.
Nanovate CoPNanovate CoP is a cobalt based coating material that offers an environmentally acceptable alternative to hexavalent hard chrome. The technology has been licensed for application to hydraulic bars and is in the process of being qualified for aerospace use. The technology has already successfully passed qualifying testing for engine and landing gear applications. Integran is working with OEMs and the US DoD through its environmental agency (ESTCP) to move the technology to full production. The process technology is covered by MIL-SPEC: MIL-DTL-32502.
Integran Technologies Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541330Engineering Services
541710Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering and Life Sciences

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