Carbon Busters Inc. Located at 11340, 79 Ave NW, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6G 0P3, , Edmonton, Alberta. .

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Carbon Busters Inc.

About Carbon Busters Inc.

Carbon Busters Inc. was established in year 1992

Carbon Busters Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 11340, 79 Ave NW, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6G 0P3, Canada

Company Name Carbon Busters Inc.
Establishment Number 234567009240
Website Visit Carbon Busters Inc. Website
Phone 780-437-0023
Established Year 1992
Province Alberta
Address 11340, 79 Ave NW
T6G 0P3
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Shanthu Mano (Manager)
Phone Number 780-437-0023
Fax Number 780-437-1500
Country of Ownership Canada
Carbon Busters Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Self-funding school programsCBI offers energy conservation programs at no up-front cost to school districts. These programs include energy auditing, utility consumption monitoring and tracking services, and extensive education for students and staff. CBI takes a percentage of the savings generated over a 5-year period.
LEED™ Green Building DesignCarbon Busters has four LEED™ (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Education) Accredited Professionals on staff. Because the best building efficiency can be realized in the design phase, green design is an important component in reducing utility costs over the building lifetime.
Energy and Environmental EducationCarbon Busters provides workshops, seminars, presentations and training sessions on a variety of topics including energy and water conservation, environmental protection, climate change, and HVAC training. Carbon Busters research on how families can save over 17,000 US and reduce their carbon impact by 78% is available in bookstores as the; "Carbon Busters Home Energy Handbook" by Godo Stoyke, published by New Society Publishers. The newly published; "Carbon Charter" by Godo Stoyke on how cities and municipalities can go zero carbon in 10 years is also now available in all local bookstores and at
Utility Monitoring and TrackingCarbon Busters provides detailed utility consumption monitoring and tracking. We establish consumption and greenhouse gas baselines using historical data and track current consumption through frequent meter readings. Carbon Busters also analyzes past billing records for accuracy and uses this information to predict savings potentials.
Energy AuditingCarbon Busters provides professional energy audits of lighting and mechanical systems for clients. These audits focus on no-cost, low-cost, maintenance and retrofit options for utility savings. Our auditors are among the most experienced in Western Canada.
SeriousWindows for Residential and Commercial buildingsFull frame rated high R- value super insulated windows (R5 to R11.1), that exceed energy efficiency ratings, providing savings, comfort, and extreme durability even in the harshest of climates. These fiberglass SeriousWindows offer a variety of styles, colors and performance levels custom made to match the needs of a home or a business. They deliver exceptional sound insulation through their designs that enhance homes and commercial buildings from both the inside and outside, reducing noise by 25% to 85% over existing single-pane and dual-pane windows.
Carbon Busters Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541330Engineering Services
541620Environmental Consulting Services
611690All Other Schools and Instruction

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