GEVC Inc. Located at 340-18 Louisa St, Ottawa,Ontario, K1R 6Y6, , Ottawa, Ontario. .

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About Gevc Inc.

Gevc Inc. was established in year 1994

Gevc Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 340-18 Louisa St, Ottawa,Ontario, K1R 6Y6, Canada

GEVC INC. Company Profile
Company Name GEVC Inc.
Establishment Number 234567009238
Website Visit GEVC Inc. Website
Phone 613-798-0482
Established Year 1994
Province Ontario
Address 340-18 Louisa St
K1R 6Y6
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Michael Nagy (Principal and Chief Learning Solutions Architect)
Phone Number 613-798-0482
Fax Number 613-798-0540
Country of Ownership Canada
GEVC Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Learning Strategy DevelopmentLearning Strategy Development With our expertise in the creation of learning strategies, we can help you formulate a strategic plan that will ensure the development and deployment of a successful training program. Our experienced learning consultants will help you examine your organization's learning needs and objectives and assist you in formulating the right approach based on your business goals.
Curriculum Planning & DesignCurriculum Planning & Design Whether you are implementing new learning programs or re-designing existing ones, our experienced curriculum designers can assist you in creating a program structure that fully addresses your organization's desired learning objectives.
Custom Content DevelopmentCustom Content Development With our proven expertise in design, education and technology, we can make the most complex instructional content understandable and the most mundane absorbing. Our experienced development team will ensure that your learning program meets its objectives by assisting you in the design, development and implementation of customized courseware that is engaging, entertaining and above all, accessible.
Knowledge Management SolutionsKnowledge Management Solutions With our experience in the design and implementation of knowledge-management solutions, we can assist you in the creation of tools and processes for the identification, capture and transfer of the information and knowledge that your organization needs to grow, compete and improve.
Customized e-learning SolutionsWe are gevc interactive, leading providers of innovative, customized e-learning solutions. At gevc interactive we help our clients realize their full potential through the creation of customized e-learning solutions designed to address their specific training and education needs. Through the seamless integration of information, design and technology, the e-learning solutions we provide enable our clients to gain the competitive advantage by driving knowledge throughout their organizations, providing their employees, partners and customers with quick and easy access to the knowledge and skills that they need, when they need them. Founded in 1994, gevc interactive has developed successful, customized e-learning solutions for clients from a wide variety of government departments and industries. Our highly skilled team of instructional designers, technical writers, graphic designers, courseware programmers, technical architects, quality assurance specialists and experienced project managers enables us to provide the complete range of services required to create and deliver effective, engaging e-learning solutions. From concept to design, through to the creation and deployment of the final product, we have all the necessary skills to assist you in the production and implementation of leading-edge e-learning solutions.
Learning Management SystemsLearning Management Systems Whether you are implementing courses into an existing Learning Management System or require the creation of a customized LMS built to your specifications, we have the skills and experience to put into place the tools your organization needs to effectively and efficiently manage and deliver the learning process.
GEVC Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
611510Technical and Trade Schools

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