Sound Business Products Located at PO Box 65044 RPO Merivale, NEPEAN, Ontario, K2G 5Y3, , Nepean, Ontario. .

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Sound Business Products

About Sound Business Products

Sound Business Products was established in year 1996

Sound Business Products registered place of business address in record is: PO Box 65044 RPO Merivale, NEPEAN, Ontario, K2G 5Y3, Canada

Company Name Sound Business Products
Establishment Number 234567009155
Website Visit Sound Business Products Website
Phone 613-723-9509
Established Year 1996
Province Ontario
Address PO Box 65044 RPO Merivale
NEPEAN, Ontario
K2G 5Y3
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person Monica Bach (President)
Phone Number 613-723-9509
Fax Number 613-723-9509
Country of Ownership Canada
Sound Business Products Company Services
ServiceService Description
Dictation Equipment-OlympusDigital Recording Equipment
Dictation Equipment-PhilipsDigital Recording Equipment Analogue (Mini) Recording Equipment
Cassette Recorders-EikiPortable Standard Cassette Recorders for teaching environments. Up to 10Watt speakers built in as well as listening centers. Can be used in a classroom as well for language training & assessment. Also good for meetings
Language Lab Products-CalifoneFull range of classroom recorder/players in Standard cassette. Also Karaoke, PA systems including portable models, Headsets, listening centers, and Magnetic Card Readers. Computer based teaching systems, and cordless headphone systems.
AV FurnitureAV carts & projection screens
Recording Media-MaxellMaxell full line of product including: Micro & Standard cassettes, Video cassettes, Open Reel, DAT audiotape,Optical disks, Data cartridges, Floppy Disks & CD Roms.
Paper Handling EquipmentLarge selection of Paper Folders, from small desktop to industrial usage. Laminating equipment, Letter opening, and cutting.
Shredders Paper/Multimedia-Intimus & HSMTo maintain a high level of security requires utilizing shredders or disposal management services to reduce the interception of data assets. We carry a diverse portfolio of Intimus Top Secret shredder products that meet RCMP standards, capable of destroying highly sensitive and confidential information to ensure the reputation of the department and its branches. We provide product sales and services to complement your specific requirements: · Product Sales A full product line designed with small to large customers in mind. With over forty models covering Top Secret and Confidential requirements, our product line-up includes computer media annihilators as well as paper shredders. With available service and maintenance plans.
Shredding-MultiShredTo maintain a high level of security requires utilizing shredders or disposal management services to reduce the interception of data assets. We carry a diverse portfolio of Intimus Top Secret shredder products that meet RCMP standards, capable of destroying highly sensitive and confidential information to ensure the reputation of the department and its branches. We provide product sales and services to complement your specific requirements: · Call-up Services This service is based on an immediate or scheduled requirement for data destruction. This enables secure disposal at conferences, departmental moves, project shredding, cleaning out of storage facilities etc., ensuring a complete level of data security for either paper documents or computer medium. · Pre-scheduled Services Building on the security features of in-house paper shredders or mobile shredding services, this plan offers a comprehensive security solution through pre-arranged regularly scheduled services for the disposal of computer media formatted files or paper documents. · Product Sales A full product line designed with small to large customers in mind. With over forty models covering Top Secret and Confidential requirements, our product line-up includes computer media annihilators as well as paper shredders. With available service and maintenance plans.
Sound Business Products Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
417910Office and Store Machinery and Equipment Wholesaler-Distributors

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