Keen Design and Machining Inc. Located at 2 - 9525 - 189 St, SURREY,British Columbia, V4N 5L8, , Surrey, British Columbia. .

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Keen Design and Machining Inc.

About Keen Design And Machining Inc.

Keen Design And Machining Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 2 - 9525 - 189 St, SURREY,British Columbia, V4N 5L8, Canada

Company Name Keen Design and Machining Inc.
Establishment Number 234567008927
Website Visit Keen Design and Machining Inc. Website
Phone 604-881-2042
Established Year -
Province British Columbia
Address 2 - 9525 - 189 St
SURREY,British Columbia
V4N 5L8
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Gabi Foltyn (Administrator)
Phone Number 604-881-2042
Fax Number 604-881-2052
Country of Ownership Canada
Keen Design and Machining Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Design, MachiningDesigning, Prototyping, CNC and Manual Machining, Custom Jig & Fixture Design, Small Production Runs, Sub-contract Overflow
MachiningCNC and Manual Machining CAD/CAM Design Prototype Design & Development Small lot Runs Custom Jig, Fixture & Tool Design & Manufacturing Precision and High Tolerance Machining
Tig/Mig WeldingHigh tolerance welding of aluminum, mild steel, stainless steel.
Keen Design and Machining Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
332710Machine Shops
333519Other Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing

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