143104 Canada Limited Located at 130-1769 St. Laurent Blvd, OTTAWA, Ontario, K1G 5X7, , Ottawa, Ontario. .

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143104 Canada Limited

About 143104 Canada Limited

143104 Canada Limited was established in year 1985

143104 Canada Limited registered place of business address in record is: 130-1769 St. Laurent Blvd, OTTAWA, Ontario, K1G 5X7, Canada

143104 CANADA LIMITED Company Profile
Company Name 143104 Canada Limited
Operating Name Medi-Call Canada
Establishment Number 234567008780
Website Visit 143104 Canada Limited Website
Phone 613-741-6774
Established Year 1985
Province Ontario
Address 130-1769 St. Laurent Blvd
OTTAWA, Ontario
K1G 5X7
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Michael Dupre (Data Provider)
Phone Number 613-741-6774
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
143104 Canada Limited Company Services
ServiceService Description
Emergency Call DevicesHigh Performance wireless personal security pendants, duress alarms, medical alarms for the elderly and others at risk who made need help but be unable to get to or use a telephone. We also have a GPS / Cellular medical pendant that you can use anywhere!
Self-monitoredYou may not need to subscribe to our monitoring service if you have people willing to answer the help call with their phones! We have a pendant that, when connected, allows you to talk directly with the pendant user through their pendant.
143104 Canada Limited Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
561621Security Systems Services (except Locksmiths)

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