WorkDynamics Technologies Incorporated Located at 220-50 Hines Rd, KANATA,Ontario, K2K 2M5, , Kanata, Ontario. .

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WorkDynamics Technologies Incorporated

About Workdynamics Technologies Incorporated

Workdynamics Technologies Incorporated was established in year 1998

Workdynamics Technologies Incorporated registered place of business address in record is: 220-50 Hines Rd, KANATA,Ontario, K2K 2M5, Canada

Company Name WorkDynamics Technologies Incorporated
Establishment Number 234567008516
Website Visit WorkDynamics Technologies Incorporated Website
Phone 613-254-9125
Established Year 1998
Province Ontario
Address 220-50 Hines Rd
K2K 2M5
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Grant Bifolchi (Chief Executive Officer)
Phone Number 613-254-9125
Fax Number 613-254-9279
Country of Ownership Canada
WorkDynamics Technologies Incorporated Company Services
ServiceService Description
CCMccmMercury is a state of the art BPM and workflow-tracking engine that allows users to track all activities surrounding a particular document, quickly and easily. Its graphical interface allows users to see, at a glance, the current status of the record, including all past, present and future activities, which make up a workflow. ccmMercury can easily be configured to manage a wide variety of “Workflow and Business-Process” related activities. ccmMercury tracks and manages any kind of information that is captured, including correspondence, hard copy or electronic documents and other business activities that require detailed reports on information relating to scheduling, deadlines, and routings. ccmMercury will integrate with third-party reporting packages, Open Text’s IRIMS and/or Documentum’s FOREMOST – for records management solutions, and Hummingbird’s Suite of Products – a document management system which is part of the Canadian Federal Government’s “Shared System Initiative” RDIMS (Records, Document and Information Management System).
ccmMercuryBusiness-Process Management and Workflow-Tracking engine, specializing in tracking correspondence.
ccmEnterpriseBusiness-Process Management and Workflow-Tracking engine, specializing in tracking correspondence.
ccmMercury.webBusiness-Process Management and Workflow-Tracking engine, specializing in tracking correspondence.
WorkDynamics Technologies Incorporated Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541510Computer Systems Design and Related Services

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