Teragram Located at 78 Las Rd, SMITHVILLE,Ontario, L0R 2A0, , Smithville, Ontario. .

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About Teragram

Teragram was established in year 1996

Teragram registered place of business address in record is: 78 Las Rd, SMITHVILLE,Ontario, L0R 2A0, Canada

TERAGRAM Company Profile
Company Name Teragram
Operating Name Teragram Coaching and Consulting Group
Establishment Number 234567008350
Website Visit Teragram Website
Phone 905-659-5458
Established Year 1996
Province Ontario
Address 78 Las Rd
L0R 2A0
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Margaret Miller (President)
Phone Number 905-659-5458
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Teragram Company Services
ServiceService Description
TrainingWe offer in-house personalized programs in customer service; team building; behavioral-based interviewing; communication & listening; leadership; time management; goal setting and organization. We also offer one-on-one coach/training.
H.R. ConsultingWe offer services in procurement, development and retention. Procurement - talent & human resource sourcing/screening/assessments & selections Development - talent management & development Retention - talent retention/ succession growth & planning
Executive & Business CoachingFully unleash the power and success of the individual, group, team or your organization. We offer executive and business coaching, leadership development coaching, performance enhancement and team building coaching.
Teragram Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541612Human Resources Consulting Services
611430Professional and Management Development Training

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