Sharpe Decisions Inc. Located at 812 Maley St, RR 1, kemptville,Ontario, K0G 1J0, , Kemptville, Ontario. .

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Sharpe Decisions Inc.

About Sharpe Decisions Inc.

Sharpe Decisions Inc. was established in year 1996

Sharpe Decisions Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 812 Maley St, RR 1, kemptville,Ontario, K0G 1J0, Canada

Company Name Sharpe Decisions Inc.
Establishment Number 234567008321
Website Visit Sharpe Decisions Inc. Website
Phone 613-258-7049
Established Year 1996
Province Ontario
Address 812 Maley St
RR 1
K0G 1J0
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Lynda Sharpe-Lalonde (President)
Phone Number 613-258-7049
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Sharpe Decisions Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Internet SurveysInternet Surveys - UNDER NEW DEVELOPMENT
Sharpe Decisions Executive WorkshopGroup Decision Support Software for use in meetings - allows voting on issues for full group participation - runs in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and German. Full reporting and Stakeholder registration and cross-tabbing. For group participation in Staff Surveys, Polling, Strategic Planning, Conferences and Focus Groups.
Sharpe Decisions Democracy WorkshopSpecialized software for Elections in group meetings. Ideal for Union or Association Elections.
Sharpe Decisions Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541510Computer Systems Design and Related Services
541690Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services

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