Kayden Instruments Div Telematic Controls INC Located at 3368 114 Ave SE, CALGARY,Alberta, T2Z 3V6, , Calgary, Alberta. .

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Kayden Instruments Div Telematic Controls INC

About Kayden Instruments Div Telematic Controls Inc

Kayden Instruments Div Telematic Controls Inc was established in year 1994

Kayden Instruments Div Telematic Controls Inc registered place of business address in record is: 3368 114 Ave SE, CALGARY,Alberta, T2Z 3V6, Canada

Company Name Kayden Instruments Div Telematic Controls INC
Establishment Number 234567008229
Website Visit Kayden Instruments Div Telematic Controls INC Website
Phone 403-253-7939
Established Year 1994
Province Alberta
Address 3368 114 Ave SE
T2Z 3V6
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Bobbin Toms (Engineer)
Phone Number 403-253-7939
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Kayden Instruments Div Telematic Controls INC Company Services
ServiceService Description
Instruments & InstrumentationThermal Dispersion Flow, Level, Interface & Temperature Switches for liquids, gases, air and slurries. Industry leading microprocessor based electronics include 4 - 20 mA outputs, MODBUS, temperature compensation, and automated self- test diagnostics, adjustable set points, heater power, deadbands & delay timers via local interface & remote Kayden software. Reliable ‘no moving parts’ sensors. Versatile for most applications. Communications provide the capability for integration with centralized control systems.
Process Control InstrumentationThermal Dispersion Flow, Level, Interface & Temperature Switches for liquids, gases, air and slurries. Industry leading microprocessor based electronics include 4 - 20 mA outputs, MODBUS, temperature compensation, and automated self- test diagnostics, adjustable set points, heater power, deadbands & delay timers via local interface & remote Kayden software. Reliable ‘no moving parts’ sensors. Versatile for most applications. Communications provide the capability for integration with centralized control systems.
Flow SwitchThermal Dispersion Flow Switches for liquids, gases, air and slurries. Industry leading microprocessor based electronics include 4 - 20 mA outputs, MODBUS, temperature compensation, and automated self- test diagnostics, adjustable set points, heater power, deadbands & delay timers via local interface & remote Kayden software. Reliable ‘no moving parts’ sensors. Versatile for most applications. Communications provide the capability for integration with centralized control systems.
Level SwitchThermal Dispersion Flow Switches for liquids, gases, air and slurries. Industry leading microprocessor based electronics include MODBUS, temperature compensation, and automated self- test diagnostics, adjustable set points, heater power, deadbands & delay timers via local interface & remote Kayden software. Reliable ‘no moving parts’ sensors. Versatile for most applications. Communications provide the capability for integration with centralized control systems.
Interface SwitchThermal Dispersion Flow Switches for liquids, gases, air and slurries. Industry leading microprocessor based electronics include 4 - 20 mA outputs, MODBUS, temperature compensation, and automated self- test diagnostics, adjustable set points, heater power, deadbands & delay timers via local interface & remote Kayden software. Reliable ‘no moving parts’ sensors. Versatile for most applications. Communications provide the capability for integration with centralized control systems.
Temperature SwitchThermal Dispersion Flow Switches for liquids, gases, air and slurries. Industry leading microprocessor based electronics include 4 - 20 mA outputs, MODBUS, temperature compensation, and automated self- test diagnostics, adjustable set points, heater power, deadbands & delay timers via local interface & remote Kayden software. Reliable ‘no moving parts’ sensors. Versatile for most applications. Communications provide the capability for integration with centralized control systems.
Kayden Instruments Div Telematic Controls INC Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
334512Measuring, Medical and Controlling Devices Manufacturing

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