CADmech Design Inc. Located at 230-60 Renfrew Dr., MARKHAM,Ontario, L3R 0E1, , Markham, Ontario. .

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CADmech Design Inc.

About Cadmech Design Inc.

Cadmech Design Inc. was established in year 1994

Cadmech Design Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 230-60 Renfrew Dr., MARKHAM,Ontario, L3R 0E1, Canada

Company Name CADmech Design Inc.
Establishment Number 234567008007
Website Visit CADmech Design Inc. Website
Phone 905-474-2577
Established Year 1994
Province Ontario
Address 230-60 Renfrew Dr.
L3R 0E1
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Bozena Kunowski (President)
Phone Number 905-474-2577
Fax Number 905-474-3456
Country of Ownership Canada
CADmech Design Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Mechanical design and engineering servicesDesign solutions for a wide range of manufacturers in the automotive, aerospace, medical, industrial automation and other industry sectors. Services include 3D solid and free-form modeling, drafting, data conversion and customized CAD mentoring.
CADmech Design Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541330Engineering Services
541420Industrial Design Services

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