Diamond Canapower Located at 102B-3425 Harvester Rd, BURLINGTON,Ontario, L7N 3N1, , Burlington, Ontario. .

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Diamond Canapower

About Diamond Canapower

Diamond Canapower registered place of business address in record is: 102B-3425 Harvester Rd, BURLINGTON,Ontario, L7N 3N1, Canada

Company Name Diamond Canapower
Establishment Number 234567007945
Website Visit Diamond Canapower Website
Phone 905-335-0321
Established Year -
Province Ontario
Address 102B-3425 Harvester Rd
L7N 3N1
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Gordon Simmons (General Manager)
Phone Number 905-335-0321
Fax Number 905-332-6399
Country of Ownership Canada
Diamond Canapower Company Services
ServiceService Description
Diamond Canapower Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
332410Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing
333310Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing

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