Samuel Coil Processing Located at 140 Paquin Rd, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R2J 3V4, , Winnipeg, Manitoba. .

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Samuel Coil Processing

About Samuel Coil Processing

Samuel Coil Processing was established in year 1855

Samuel Coil Processing registered place of business address in record is: 140 Paquin Rd, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R2J 3V4, Canada

Company Name Samuel Coil Processing
Establishment Number 234567007525
Website Visit Samuel Coil Processing Website
Phone 204-661-8050
Established Year 1855
Province Manitoba
Address 140 Paquin Rd
R2J 3V4
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Gary Henaire (Manager)
Phone Number 204-661-8050
Fax Number 204-663-2007
Country of Ownership Canada
Samuel Coil Processing Company Services
ServiceService Description
Samuel Coil Processing Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
331110Iron and Steel Mills and Ferro-Alloy Manufacturing
331221Cold-Rolled Steel Shape Manufacturing
332319Other Plate Work and Fabricated Structural Product Manufacturing
332810Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating and Allied Activities
336510Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing
416210Metal Service Centres

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