Markham 14th Avenue YMCA Centre Located at 3-4855 14th Ave, MARKHAM,Ontario, L3S 3L6, , Markham, Ontario. .

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Markham 14th Avenue YMCA Centre

About Markham 14th Avenue Ymca Centre

Markham 14th Avenue Ymca Centre registered place of business address in record is: 3-4855 14th Ave, MARKHAM,Ontario, L3S 3L6, Canada

Company Name Markham 14th Avenue YMCA Centre
Operating Name YMCA Markham Business Centre
Establishment Number 234567007304
Website Visit Markham 14th Avenue YMCA Centre Website
Phone 905-948-9622
Established Year -
Province Ontario
Address 3-4855 14th Ave
L3S 3L6
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Pablo Rojas (Consultant)
Phone Number
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Markham 14th Avenue YMCA Centre Company Services
ServiceService Description
Business Start-Up Programs & ServicesThe YMCA Markham Business Centre is home to the Ontario Self Employment Benefit Program in the Markham region. The centre has provided entrepreneurial support for start up businesses for over 15 years and counting. Located at Brimley and 14th avenue our centre can provide your start up with the one on one attention and resources that you need to make your business succeed. The program includes business planning, coaching, our Internet access to help you register your own business, photocopying and faxing. In addition to enjoying our business resource library, you’ll attend workshops and seminars to learn about: •Business planning, financial forecasting, tax planning, and cash flow management •Using the Internet, marketing, market research, and sales strategies •Legal issues and mediation •Managing stress and business networking In addition you can receive up to $423 stipend per week for living expenses while you run your business. You must be eligible for employment insurance, on employment insurance or have received employment insurance within the last 3 years (5 years if on parental leave) to apply. For more information, contact us at [email protected], by phone at (905) 948-9622.
Markham 14th Avenue YMCA Centre Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541611Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services

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