Premier Focus Translations Located at 140-55 Northfield Dr. E, WATERLOO, Ontario, N2K 3T6, , Waterloo, Ontario. .

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Premier Focus Translations

About Premier Focus Translations

Premier Focus Translations was established in year 1995

Premier Focus Translations registered place of business address in record is: 140-55 Northfield Dr. E, WATERLOO, Ontario, N2K 3T6, Canada

Company Name Premier Focus Translations
Establishment Number 234567007231
Website Visit Premier Focus Translations Website
Phone 519-591-8802
Established Year 1995
Province Ontario
Address 140-55 Northfield Dr. E
N2K 3T6
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Kerstin Kramer (Vice President)
Phone Number 519-591-8802
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Premier Focus Translations Company Services
ServiceService Description
Translation ServicesPremier Focus uses the best language translation providers around the world so you always receive the highest quality translations of your documents - at your desktop and precisely when you need them. We have carefully selected experienced translation service providers with proven track records in delivering professional, high quality translations in an extensive range of languages and subjects. We pride ourselves in the fact, that Premier Focus has come to specialize in the translation of German documents, besides being able to translate for you in nearly any other language combination imaginable. Standard Translations Standard translations by a translator guarantee to establish the meaning and content of your document. Notarized Translations Notarized translations by a notary public guarantee that your document is legally authentic. Certified Translations Certified translations by a certified/sworn translator guarantee a translation to be true and are always performed from an original. Genealogical Translations Translations by a translator to help with your genealogical research by translating public records, family letters, diaries and other documents.
Localization ServicesWe provide localizations, which entail translations and cultural adaptations of products and services to make them understandable to a specific culture and location. This includes the tailoring and adapting of websites to specific countries, in terms of linguistic quality and cultural nuances in order to make companies accessible to an international audience.
Glossary DevelopmentWe create glossaries of terms to ensure consistency throughout your current and future translation endeavors.
Premier Focus Translations Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541430Graphic Design Services
541930Translation and Interpretation Services
561410Document Preparation Services

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