Big Sand Lake Lodge Located at 1808 Wellington Ave, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R3H 0G3, , Winnipeg, Manitoba. .

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Big Sand Lake Lodge

About Big Sand Lake Lodge

Big Sand Lake Lodge registered place of business address in record is: 1808 Wellington Ave, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R3H 0G3, Canada

Company Name Big Sand Lake Lodge
Establishment Number 234567006995
Website Visit Big Sand Lake Lodge Website
Phone 204-774-6666
Established Year -
Province Manitoba
Address 1808 Wellington Ave
R3H 0G3
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Rick Bohna (General Manager)
Phone Number 204-774-6666
Fax Number 204-775-5500
Country of Ownership Canada
Big Sand Lake Lodge Company Services
ServiceService Description
fishing and hunting tourism lodgeFly-in fishing and hunting lodge for Lake Trout, Northern Pike, Arctic Grayling, Walleye fishing and Black Bear and Moose hunting. Fly-in from Winnipeg direct.
Big Sand Lake Lodge Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
721212Hunting and Fishing Camps

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