Forges Pelli Design Located at 11535, 5e Av., MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H1E 1P9, , Montreal, QC, Quebec. .

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Forges Pelli Design

About Forges Pelli Design

Forges Pelli Design registered place of business address in record is: 11535, 5e Av., MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H1E 1P9, Canada

Company Name Forges Pelli Design
Establishment Number 234567006604
Website Visit Forges Pelli Design Website
Phone 514-494-8428
Established Year -
Province Quebec
Address 11535, 5e Av.
H1E 1P9
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Patrice Pellissier (President)
Phone Number 514-494-8428
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Forges Pelli Design Company Services
ServiceService Description
Forges Pelli Design Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
332329Other Ornamental and Architectural Metal Product Manufacturing
332999All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
337126Household Furniture (except Wood and Upholstered) Manufacturing
337127Institutional Furniture Manufacturing

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