Moules CP inc. 1988 Located at 1241B Graham-Bell St, BOUCHERVILLE,Quebec, J4B 6A1, , Boucherville, Quebec. .

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Moules CP inc. 1988

About Moules Cp Inc. 1988

Moules Cp Inc. 1988 registered place of business address in record is: 1241B Graham-Bell St, BOUCHERVILLE,Quebec, J4B 6A1, Canada

MOULES CP INC. 1988 Company Profile
Company Name Moules CP inc. 1988
Establishment Number 234567006541
Website Visit Moules CP inc. 1988 Website
Phone 450-655-6738
Established Year -
Province Quebec
Address 1241B Graham-Bell St
J4B 6A1
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Angel Arias (Owner)
Phone Number 450-655-6738
Fax Number 450-655-7246
Country of Ownership Canada
Moules CP inc. 1988 Company Services
ServiceService Description
Aluminum injection moldsInjection molds for the investment casting industry.
Aluminum partsAluminum parts of all types, CNC-machined as per customer specifications.
Moules CP inc. 1988 Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
332999All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing

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