Applicant Testing Services Inc. Located at 14-540 Clarke Rd, LONDON,Ontario, N5V 2C7, , London, Ontario. .

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Applicant Testing Services Inc.

About Applicant Testing Services Inc.

Applicant Testing Services Inc. was established in year 1994

Applicant Testing Services Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 14-540 Clarke Rd, LONDON,Ontario, N5V 2C7, Canada

Company Name Applicant Testing Services Inc.
Establishment Number 234567006498
Website Visit Applicant Testing Services Inc. Website
Phone 519-659-8686
Established Year 1994
Province Ontario
Address 14-540 Clarke Rd
N5V 2C7
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Jon Mills (General Manager)
Phone Number 519-659-8686
Fax Number 519-659-8757
Country of Ownership Canada
Applicant Testing Services Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Screening Process Tests for Police HiringPre-hire testing for candidates interested in Police Constable and other Emergency Services careers.
Applicant Testing Services Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541612Human Resources Consulting Services

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