Superior Hulls Inc. Located at 8007 Edmund St, CROFTON,British Columbia, V0R 1R0, , Crofton, British Columbia. .

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Superior Hulls Inc.

About Superior Hulls Inc.

Superior Hulls Inc. was established in year 1996

Superior Hulls Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 8007 Edmund St, CROFTON,British Columbia, V0R 1R0, Canada

Company Name Superior Hulls Inc.
Establishment Number 234567006404
Website Visit Superior Hulls Inc. Website
Phone 250-709-4698
Established Year 1996
Province British Columbia
Address 8007 Edmund St
CROFTON,British Columbia
V0R 1R0
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Amnon M. COHEN (Chairman)
Phone Number 250-709-4698
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Superior Hulls Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
SuperiorFlexiblePowerFins/SurfFins/SpeedFinsSuperior Flexible Powerfins, Surfins and Speedfins will help any existing boat, vessel or ship, regain power losses to drag, wave-making and skin-friction; lifting the craft to surface-skim faster with increased economic use of given power and fuel, on the active aquatic surface. This is the revolutionary invention that overcomes the historic problems of Wake as well as Drag and Skin resistances that have been historically major Marine technology limitation. This invention permits slow or fast ships, boats and racing boats to use the given power much better, 7%-20%, by flexibly creating beneficial lubricating layers from beneficial wanted dissection of the water under the hull. This is a highly beneficial Retrofit Technologic Upgrade to any Hull of any size or shape aquatic surface craft!
PrePatent Commercialization Protection MethodPre-Patent Commercialization Method, is yet the most modern way for economic development of innovations, by its proposed Global/National prepatent-registry & prepartnership-trading-post incubation process you can be informed about at our global information website and at ours automated social information sharing website; where employed is The Tested WISDOM of The yet most Modern, and most 'Proficient plus Highly Profitable Method' devised from the special learning experiences employed for securing absolute ownership of more successful business developments of incorporated new original discoveries, technologies, inventions, innovations, solutions, ideas, methods and systems plus original capabilities and arts. The wisdom in the method was derived from expectations by inventors and investors submitted for lobbying Government to see a way for a Super Economic Growth of its national potential for facilitating the safe growth of new merging corporate economic powers. Not all ideas qualify or can be deemed as "Successful Invention" as new art, and more then its owners evaluation is needed, as well, partners and projects developers must also reach original agreements, prior to Incorporation and Trading activities - prior to Patent Application and employing its value - yet IP needs to be protected prior to Patent Application - but by employing method which does not disclose IP content yet permits initial business development as well as private services like The Specialized Auction by Special Invitation to best opportunity in finding and obtaining the NEED and WANT for what you HAVE is better method specialized for "Inventions to meet Inventions", is more then an eBay for our industry...
HandFinThis are Diving, Skin-Diving and Skydiving Gloves -which like Fins for our feet, grants us the aquatic capability of a Seal in water and air. The invented new product is the most advanced technology in this very old idea and prior poor art, where only inferior products were patented and developed and why these wanted FINS are not found on the market, after more then 100 years, An old NITCH which is ending with these Jet Propulsion with your fingers and hands, so it also is very useful for Rehabilitation of upper body injuries, as it will rebuild your muscles. See our websit for information and image of the product. @
Superior Surface EffectsThe Continuous Lift Lubricated Hulls' design, is a new revolutionary marine discovery based invention, offering a yet new design which we own clearly as our Trade-Secret, and it is a new revolutionary world-class technology, market-ready highly beneficial commercial project, ready for protected marketing investment or partnership or ready for major clients we shall supply our services and license to use in new construction projects in the marine industry, very cost effectively. NAVY and any smaller clients, are welcomed. The developed technology is described but not beyond confidential information on our informative web sites, - where only public information is shared, yet confidential information can only be shared exclusively, with qualified interests, by contacting us by email and phone.
Super EconomyThe "Super Economy" is the result of a yet new global economic solution for all participant incorporations and nations who employ the wisdom of Prepatent Patenting under modern wiser commercial protection security. These resulted incorporations are by the nature of the method, are stronger financially and by industrious plus marketing and distribution options available through the networking network of Super Economy member nations and corporations of all sizes - making the small strong in the presence of the strong and very strong in the cataclysmic global economy already.
EchoLogical Machines, by usciiiiii/USCIIIIII CODEusciiiiii/USCIIIIII is Universal Standard Code Intelligent International Intensively Interactive Information Interchange in Super-Natural Languages and by personal voiceprint technologies, is a developed academic solution to the technologic problem in Natural Human Machine interface of the Human Mind with the Electronic Brain. The developed invented code upgrades ascii for enabling finally the creation of truly intelligent Computers and Robots, simple and natural to employ and muster, as the the solution for the next generation of echo-logical machines, capable of personal voice with wireless natural logic control based on natural language speech and comprehension. The code is useful for universal SynTexting of natural logic and for facilitating automation of comprehension in any given natural language, as well as automated high quality translations, and according to any given universal person voiceprint reproduction and recognition. The code, is used by the Systems' Operating Font so that it can put in binary code what we tell a Wise Machine or ask it to do, as if it is another human, and preform better then humans. The solution, is a truly wireless control, for deep space exploration or for cell or land phone control of automated production cycles by way of your natural logic put in words; a revolutionary solution based on upgrading ascii/ASCII to include human natural logic and speech in any existing and Universally used Natural Language, including tongues. This is the final link of the past with the future of human aspiration on the blessed paved way of the human cultural evolution, where the way we work and live and communicate naturally among humans, is in full harmony with the machines that will be around us, in compliance with the same way we write and speak or think and also sing... ...all, operating at the natural speed of our ongoing thought and the speeds of our natural conversation.
Superior Hulls Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
336611Ship Building and Repairing
336612Boat Building

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