Monk Office Supply Ltd. Located at 800 Viewfield Rd, VICTORIA,British Columbia, V9A 4V1, , Victoria, British Columbia. .

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Monk Office Supply Ltd.

About Monk Office Supply Ltd.

Monk Office Supply Ltd. was established in year 1951

Monk Office Supply Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 800 Viewfield Rd, VICTORIA,British Columbia, V9A 4V1, Canada

Company Name Monk Office Supply Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567006320
Website Visit Monk Office Supply Ltd. Website
Phone 250-384-0565
Established Year 1951
Province British Columbia
Address 800 Viewfield Rd
VICTORIA,British Columbia
V9A 4V1
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person James McKenzie (President)
Phone Number 250-384-0565
Fax Number 250-384-2553
Country of Ownership Canada
Monk Office Supply Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Office Products, Computer Supplies, Office FurnitureOrder all of your office supplies on-line. Over 7000 items listed on our extensive website. CLIPS order management software available free to institutional and corporate customers.
Monk Office Supply Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
417910Office and Store Machinery and Equipment Wholesaler-Distributors

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