Black Motor Sales Located at 10299 Hwy 124, SUNDRIDGE,Ontario, P0A 1Z0, , Sundridge, Ontario. .

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Black Motor Sales

About Black Motor Sales

Black Motor Sales registered place of business address in record is: 10299 Hwy 124, SUNDRIDGE,Ontario, P0A 1Z0, Canada

Company Name Black Motor Sales
Establishment Number 234567006275
Website -
Phone 705-384-5338
Established Year -
Province Ontario
Address 10299 Hwy 124
P0A 1Z0
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person Bill Black (Data Provider)
Phone Number 705-384-5338
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Black Motor Sales Company Services
ServiceService Description
Black Motor Sales Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
441220Motorcycle, Boat and Other Motor Vehicle Dealers

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