PSW Architecture & Interior Design Ltd. Located at 2110 College Ave, REGINA,Saskatchewan, S4P 1C5, , Regina, Saskatchewan. .

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PSW Architecture & Interior Design Ltd.

About Psw Architecture & Interior Design Ltd.

Psw Architecture & Interior Design Ltd. was established in year 1996

Psw Architecture & Interior Design Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 2110 College Ave, REGINA,Saskatchewan, S4P 1C5, Canada

Company Name PSW Architecture & Interior Design Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567006030
Website -
Phone 306-359-9007
Established Year 1996
Province Saskatchewan
Address 2110 College Ave
S4P 1C5
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Denise Stevens (Partner/Associate)
Phone Number 306-359-9007
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
PSW Architecture & Interior Design Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
architecturePSW offers a broad range of architectural and interior design services to an extensive list of clients including corporations, government agencies, major developers, credit unions and private clients.
architecture/interior designAs registered architects and interior designers in Saskatchewan it is our mandate to meet or exceed all municipal, provincial or other jurisdictional codes in all facets of our work. By virtue of our professional seals, clients are assured that we will meet these responsibities.
PSW Architecture & Interior Design Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541310Architectural Services

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