ExpoPromotion Inc. Located at 401-9 Montcalm N, CANDIAC,Quebec, J5R 3L5, , Candiac, Quebec. .

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ExpoPromotion Inc.

About Expopromotion Inc.

Expopromotion Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 401-9 Montcalm N, CANDIAC,Quebec, J5R 3L5, Canada

Company Name ExpoPromotion Inc.
Establishment Number 234567006028
Website Visit ExpoPromotion Inc. Website
Phone 514-286-1522
Established Year -
Province Quebec
Address 401-9 Montcalm N
J5R 3L5
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Donald Cantin (President)
Phone Number 514-286-1522
Fax Number 514-286-1722
Country of Ownership Canada
ExpoPromotion Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Trade shows and exhibitions consultantWe produce the Ottawa Industrial Show and the Montreal World Trade (export services) Expo and Conference. We also help Canadian corporations prepare for exhibitions abroad.
Ottawa Industrial Show, Montréal IT Performance ExpoRare opportunities to meet hundreds of potential customers over a very short period of time.
ExpoPromotion Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
561920Convention and Trade Show Organizers

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