Graphic Design North Located at 3236 Agricola St, HALIFAX,Nova Scotia, B3K 4H3, , Halifax, Nova Scotia. .

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Graphic Design North

About Graphic Design North

Graphic Design North was established in year 1994

Graphic Design North registered place of business address in record is: 3236 Agricola St, HALIFAX,Nova Scotia, B3K 4H3, Canada

Company Name Graphic Design North
Operating Name Design North
Establishment Number 234567005877
Website -
Phone 902-454-7145
Established Year 1994
Province Nova Scotia
Address 3236 Agricola St
HALIFAX,Nova Scotia
B3K 4H3
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Dan O'Brien (Partner/Associate)
Phone Number 902-454-7145
Fax Number 902-444-6059
Country of Ownership Canada
Graphic Design North Company Services
ServiceService Description
Graphic Design & AdvertisingFull Service Graphic Design and Advertising firm. Specializing in print design and electronic publishing. Publishers/Designers of "Black 2 Business" and "Community Vision", two prestigious business publications in Atlantic Canada. We are also responsible for the design and publication of a number of Annual reports and other collateral materials for a number of clients. We work extensively with the Government of Nunavut in Canada's far north. We are also agency of record for a number of clients, in Nova Scotia and across Canada, the USA and Europe.
Graphic Design North Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541430Graphic Design Services
541810Advertising Agencies

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