Interact Direct Marketing Inc. Located at 787 Industrial Rd, LONDON,Ontario, N5V 4J4, , London, Ontario. .

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Interact Direct Marketing Inc.

About Interact Direct Marketing Inc.

Interact Direct Marketing Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 787 Industrial Rd, LONDON,Ontario, N5V 4J4, Canada

Company Name Interact Direct Marketing Inc.
Establishment Number 234567005478
Website Visit Interact Direct Marketing Inc. Website
Phone 519-438-6245
Established Year -
Province Ontario
Address 787 Industrial Rd
N5V 4J4
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Jeffrey Bisset (President)
Phone Number 519-438-6245
Fax Number 519-439-9869
Country of Ownership Canada
Interact Direct Marketing Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Direct MarketingDatabase hygiene, marketing database creation and hosting, campaign management, direct mail, e-mail campaigns, automated marketing, fulfillment, ResponseCanada list rental, SmartTools®, DataVacuum®, SmartMatch®, CampaignSaver®, DNC Scrub Canada®, Trigger Marketing®, TriggerBase®, SmartFamily®, SmartCampaign®, SmartModel®, SmartQuery®, TriggerMail®
Interact Direct Marketing Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
518210Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services
541860Direct Mail Advertising
541899All Other Services Related to Advertising

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