Hepalta Purified Air Inc. Located at 5919 104 St NW, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6H 2K5, , Edmonton, Alberta. .

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Hepalta Purified Air Inc.

About Hepalta Purified Air Inc.

Hepalta Purified Air Inc. was established in year 1989

Hepalta Purified Air Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 5919 104 St NW, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6H 2K5, Canada

Company Name Hepalta Purified Air Inc.
Establishment Number 234567005331
Website Visit Hepalta Purified Air Inc. Website
Phone 780-455-2132
Established Year 1989
Province Alberta
Address 5919 104 St NW
T6H 2K5
Business Activity Retail
Conatct Person Herb Enns (Manager)
Phone Number 780-455-2132
Fax Number 780-453-6138
Country of Ownership Canada
Hepalta Purified Air Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
AMairCare HEPA Air Cleaning and Purifying EquipmentAMairCare HEPA Air Cleaning and Purifying equipment is made in Canada. Removes Dust and Pollution in Homes and Offices. (Won't see the dust in the sunlight) Stops Allergies and Asthma Is available in either Portable free standing or Central Duct attaching models. Aids in better breathing by removing household dust. a lot less dusting required, if at all.
HEPA AIR PURIFYING AND CLEANING EQUIPMENTAMairCare HEPA Air Filters are made in Canada Drug Free way to deal with Allergies and Asthma Available in free standing portable(up to 2,000 sq.ft cleaning area) in duct attaching Central models (up to 5,000 sq.ft cleaning area) Removes household dust and other pollution for easy breathing and healthier breathing
HEPA AIR PURIFICATION EQUIPMENT - CENTRALAMairCare Central HEPA Filters can be Attached to the furnace ducts. Keeps the dust and other pollution out of the air we breathe Helps with Allergies and Asthma Can be ducted as a medical expense from income taxes Helps everyone in the home or office
HEPA AIR PURIFICATION SYSTEMS - PORTABLEAMairCare HEPA Portable units are 2 ft high X 14 inches in diameter, all metal, very powerful (up to 2,000 sq. ft.) Can clean the air in two floors, the whole home. Reduces dust on the furniture and the air for easier breathing for everyone. No installation required - Filter are good for 2 -3 years. VOC cannister optional, for homes with smoking or spicy cooking odors, etc. A MUST FOR GOOD HEALTH.
NILFISK ALLERGY VACUUM CLEANERSNilfisk allergy vacuum cleaners with Hepa filters Durable vacuum with great suction.
Hepalta Purified Air Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
416120Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors
454111Internet Shopping
532210Consumer Electronics and Appliance Rental
532290Other Consumer Goods Rental

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