Baywood Marine Limited Located at 119 Progress Crt, NORTH BAY,Ontario, P1A 0C1, , North Bay, Ontario. .

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Baywood Marine Limited

About Baywood Marine Limited

Baywood Marine Limited was established in year 1967

Baywood Marine Limited registered place of business address in record is: 119 Progress Crt, NORTH BAY,Ontario, P1A 0C1, Canada

Company Name Baywood Marine Limited
Operating Name Bay Distributors
Establishment Number 234567005071
Website Visit Baywood Marine Limited Website
Phone 705-476-6010
Established Year 1967
Province Ontario
Address 119 Progress Crt
P1A 0C1
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Dave Crewson (General Manager)
Phone Number 705-476-6010
Fax Number 705-476-6820
Country of Ownership Canada
Baywood Marine Limited Company Services
ServiceService Description
Manufacturer and distributorContour Pedal Boats, Kiwi Kayaks, Sportspal and Radisson Canoes, Easy Hauler Trailers
Baywood Marine Limited Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
336215Motor Home, Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturing
336612Boat Building
417990All Other Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors

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