TMC The Marketing Clinic Located at 11 Belmont Ave, HAMMONDS PLAINS,Nova Scotia, B4B 1G1, , Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia. .

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TMC The Marketing Clinic

About Tmc The Marketing Clinic

Tmc The Marketing Clinic registered place of business address in record is: 11 Belmont Ave, HAMMONDS PLAINS,Nova Scotia, B4B 1G1, Canada

Company Name TMC The Marketing Clinic
Establishment Number 234567005016
Website Visit TMC The Marketing Clinic Website
Phone 902-835-4122
Established Year -
Province Nova Scotia
Address 11 Belmont Ave
B4B 1G1
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Karen Blotnicky (President)
Phone Number 902-835-4122
Fax Number 902-832-9389
Country of Ownership Canada
TMC The Marketing Clinic Company Services
ServiceService Description
management consulting and marketing research on Canadian or foreign marketsThe Marketing Clinic provides a full range of marketing research and management consulting services to organizations of all sizes and types. TMC has done research for clients in on markets in the United States, the European Union, Canada, the Caribbean and the Pacific Rim. Research includes survey research, focus groups and international information searches. TMC provides all of these services in-house for prices far below the average for such services. As a result, TMC is often engaged by small and medium-sized enterprises. TMC wishes to expand its services by offering Canadian market and other market investigations to companies considering doing business in Canada and elsewhere.
marketing research and consultingTMC provides a full range of marketing research services including: survey research, focus groups, on-line and off-line data searches, business plans, marketing plans and promotion planning.
TMC The Marketing Clinic Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541619Other Management Consulting Services
541910Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling

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