Columbia Frame Inc. Located at 6251 Notre-Dame St E, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H1N 2E9, , Montreal, QC, Quebec. .

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Columbia Frame Inc.

About Columbia Frame Inc.

Columbia Frame Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 6251 Notre-Dame St E, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H1N 2E9, Canada

Company Name Columbia Frame Inc.
Establishment Number 234567004784
Website -
Phone 514-253-2999
Established Year -
Province Quebec
Address 6251 Notre-Dame St E
H1N 2E9
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Lina Di Pasquale (Admin/Exec Assistant)
Phone Number 514-253-2999
Fax Number 514-251-0317
Country of Ownership Canada
Columbia Frame Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Columbia Frame Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
337127Institutional Furniture Manufacturing

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