Leggett and Platt Canada Co Located at 459 Industrial Rd, LONDON,Ontario, N5V 3E5, , London, Ontario. .

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Leggett and Platt Canada Co

About Leggett And Platt Canada Co

Leggett And Platt Canada Co registered place of business address in record is: 459 Industrial Rd, LONDON,Ontario, N5V 3E5, Canada

Company Name Leggett and Platt Canada Co
Operating Name Leggett & Platt Automotive Group
Establishment Number 234567004764
Website Visit Leggett and Platt Canada Co Website
Phone 519-455-0440
Established Year -
Province Ontario
Address 459 Industrial Rd
N5V 3E5
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Scott Ramshaw (Manager)
Phone Number 519-455-0440
Fax Number 519-455-3107
Country of Ownership Foreign
Leggett and Platt Canada Co Company Services
ServiceService Description
Automotive SpringsSinuous Springs, formed wire stamping and welded assemblies to the automotive industry
Leggett and Platt Canada Co Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
332619Other Fabricated Wire Product Manufacturing

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