Yum Foods Limited Located at 94 Cedar St, WINDSOR,Nova Scotia, B0N 2T0, , Windsor, Nova Scotia. .

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Yum Foods Limited

About Yum Foods Limited

Yum Foods Limited was established in year 1975

Yum Foods Limited registered place of business address in record is: 94 Cedar St, WINDSOR,Nova Scotia, B0N 2T0, Canada

Company Name Yum Foods Limited
Establishment Number 234567004573
Website -
Phone 902-792-2727
Established Year 1975
Province Nova Scotia
Address 94 Cedar St
WINDSOR,Nova Scotia
B0N 2T0
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person David Browning (Owner)
Phone Number 902-678-6343
Fax Number 902-678-7740
Country of Ownership Canada
Yum Foods Limited Company Services
ServiceService Description
NutSmith Nut Butters & GranolaAll Natural nut and seed butters: Almond, Cashew, Peanut and Tahini. Sold in 240g and 500g glass jars single units or cases of 12, also sold in pails for bulk use. Granola Includes: Maple, Fancy, Regular, Plain, Wheat Free, Muesli, Unsweetened, Sold in One Pound Containers or by the Pound in Bulk.
Yum Foods LimitedEstablished in 1975, a Nova Scotia company founded and owned by its President, David Browning. A nut and seed butter processor and wholesaler. Produces baked products: specialty breads, bagels, muffins, cookies, squares, treats and granola cereal.
Naturally Nutty Nut ButtersNut and seed butters: Almond, Cashew, Peanut and Tahini. Certified Organic, certifying body is Atlantic Certified Organic, ACO. Packaged in 240g and 500g glass jars, available in single units or cases of 12 and in pails for bulk purchases.
Yum BakeryBaked Products Including: Breads, Rolls, Bagels,Sweets
Yum Foods Limited Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
311230Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing
311340Non-Chocolate Confectionery Manufacturing
311814Commercial Bakeries and Frozen Bakery Product Manufacturing
311821Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing
311911Roasted Nut and Peanut Butter Manufacturing
311919Other Snack Food Manufacturing

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