The Prairie Gallery Society Located at 103-9839 103 Ave, GRANDE PRAIRIE,Alberta, T8V 6M7, , Grande Prairie, Alberta. .

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The Prairie Gallery Society

About The Prairie Gallery Society

The Prairie Gallery Society was established in year 1975

The Prairie Gallery Society registered place of business address in record is: 103-9839 103 Ave, GRANDE PRAIRIE,Alberta, T8V 6M7, Canada

Company Name The Prairie Gallery Society
Operating Name The Art Gallery of Grande Prairie
Establishment Number 234567004487
Website Visit The Prairie Gallery Society Website
Phone 780-532-8111
Established Year 1975
Province Alberta
Address 103-9839 103 Ave
T8V 6M7
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Griffith Aaron Baker (Director / Curator)
Phone Number 780-532-8111
Fax Number 780-539-9522
Country of Ownership Canada
The Prairie Gallery Society Company Services
ServiceService Description
Art exhibiting and education.We offer art exhibitions, guided tours, programs, and art activities for all ages. Free Admission.
The Prairie Gallery Society Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
712111Non-Commercial Art Museums and Galleries

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