Sattler's Stained Glass Studio Ltd. Located at 2102 West LaHave, R.R. 1, PLEASANTVILLE,Nova Scotia, B0R 1G0, , Pleasantville, Nova Scotia. .

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Sattler's Stained Glass Studio Ltd.

About Sattler's Stained Glass Studio Ltd.

Sattler's Stained Glass Studio Ltd. was established in year 1993

Sattler's Stained Glass Studio Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 2102 West LaHave, R.R. 1, PLEASANTVILLE,Nova Scotia, B0R 1G0, Canada

Company Name Sattler's Stained Glass Studio Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567003724
Website Visit Sattler's Stained Glass Studio Ltd. Website
Phone 902-688-1156
Established Year 1993
Province Nova Scotia
Address 2102 West LaHave
R.R. 1
B0R 1G0
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Helga Sattler (Vice President)
Phone Number 902-688-1156
Fax Number 902-688-1475
Country of Ownership Canada
Sattler's Stained Glass Studio Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Stained Glass FabricationCustom fabrication of stained glass windows and other stained glass and art glass applications.
Stained Glass LampsNew series of stained glass lamps in classic designs and modern efficiency.
Stained Glass RestorationProfessional stained glass restoration and conservation according to the strict guidelines set by conservationists and historians to ensure that the original authentic substance of the window is preserved as much as possible.
Stained Glass DesignCustom designs for stained glass and art glass applications by a variety of international artists. Traditional and Contemporary Designs avaliable.
Stained Glass ConsultingProfessional consultations available for any stained glass or art glass application.
Stained Glass AppraisalsProfessional appraisals of stained glass applications.
Sattler's Stained Glass Studio Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
327215Glass Product Manufacturing from Purchased Glass

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